Relay Expander
The Multi Station Relay Expanders (MSRE and MSRE-RM) are microprocessor based, six form "C" relay output accessory for the Sage-Endec and Digital Alert Systems EAS encoder-decoders. It is primarily designed to control AES Digital Routing Switches and Ethernet Switches or Routers for digital audio control from your encoder/decoder, and expands the allowable controlled number of stations from a single encoder/decoder to up to a total of four. There are two relays for each station assignment, but may be programmed to operate individually if desired. The MSRE series is compatible with both the original Sage-Endec SE1822, the Digital 3644 and Digital Alert Systems encoder-decoders (endec). The endec has embedded programming that allows three additional stations, in addition to the station controlled within the endec itself, to be controlled using Multi Station Relay devices such as the DM Engineering MSRE. All digital commands are supplied by the endec, and the MSRE interprets these commands to select the appropriate relays for control of the external switching or routing devices. The MSRE digital communication with the endec is via an RS232 COM port on the endec. A recessed front panel “Test” switch is also provided for aiding in the system setup and testing. The MSRE uses 6 high
quality bifurcated gold over silver nickel contact sealed relays, one
relay for each left and each right channel circuit, and is also designed
to remain transparent during any power failure condition. Front panel LED indicators are provided for “Power” and “Station” left and right relay activation during an EAS event. MSRE.....
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